Ministry Tools
This page provides some practical tools you can use in your personal life or to enhance your ministry.
Objectives for Spiritual Growth
Here is a simple tool that you can use to enhance your spiritual growth. You can also use it when working with other Christians as you help them to mature. There are three areas that the objectives address. These include the Christian's knowledge, character and behavior. Each of the three areas can be summarized with a goal statement. All objectives have the capacity to be observed and measured.
Goal Statement: I understand and am able to explain the following seven core doctrines of the Bible in two to three sentences.
______1. The Doctrine of God
______2. The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
______3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
______4. The Doctrine of Holy Scripture (the Bible)
______5. The Doctrine of Salvation
______6. The Doctrine of the Church
______7. The Doctrine of Last Things
Goal Statement: I am consistently displaying the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23.
______1. The fruit of Love
______ 2. The fruit of Joy
______3. The fruit of Peace
______4. The fruit of Patience
______5. The fruit of Kindness
______6. The fruit of Goodness
______7. The fruit of Faithfulness
______8. The fruit of Gentleness
______9. The fruit of Self-Control
Goal Statement: I am doing more on a regular basis that enhances my relationship with God, the church family and the non-Christian world.
A. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with God
1. Personal Devotional Life
______a) I have a regular personal appointment with God that consists of
reading the Word and praying.
2. Bible Study and Application
______a) I am reading the Bible systematically.
______b) I am studying the Bible systematically.
______c) I am able to use tools of Bible study (concordances, notes, etc.)
______d) I am able to explain key principles of Bible interpretation.
______e) I am applying the principles from the Bible to my life.
3. Worship
______a) My appointments with God during the week include
expressions of personal worship.
______b) I look forward to participating in the weekly Lord’s Day assembly.
______c) I consistently arrive early at the weekly morning worship assembly.
______d) The worship I offer to God is from the heart and does not merely
consist of outward acts.
B. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with the Church Family
1. Fellowship
______a) I have or am developing a close relationship with at least one other Christian.
______b) There are at least seven Christians in our church family who I know
personally can am assured that they care for and love me.
______c) I regularly participate in a LIFE Group (LIFE = Love, Involvement,
Fellowship, Evangelism)
2. Service
______a) I am actively involved in at least one ministry of the church.
______b) I have completed a spiritual gifts evaluation tool.
______c) I know my area(s) of spiritual giftedness.
______d) I am serving in my area(s) of giftedness.
______e) I am working to improve my area(s) of giftedness.
C. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with Non-Christians
1. Sharing Christ with Others
______a) I can explain to another person how to become a Christian.
______b) I am able to share a three minute testimony of my walk with God.
______c) I have made a list of people I know whom I would like to see come
to Christ and am including them in my daily prayers.
______d) I have been a key person in leading someone to Christ.
2. Working with New Christians to Develop Their Faith
______a) I am making a special effort to encourage new Christians.
______b) I am working, in a focused manner, with at least one other person
to help them to grow spiritually.
Goal Statement: I understand and am able to explain the following seven core doctrines of the Bible in two to three sentences.
______1. The Doctrine of God
______2. The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
______3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
______4. The Doctrine of Holy Scripture (the Bible)
______5. The Doctrine of Salvation
______6. The Doctrine of the Church
______7. The Doctrine of Last Things
Goal Statement: I am consistently displaying the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23.
______1. The fruit of Love
______ 2. The fruit of Joy
______3. The fruit of Peace
______4. The fruit of Patience
______5. The fruit of Kindness
______6. The fruit of Goodness
______7. The fruit of Faithfulness
______8. The fruit of Gentleness
______9. The fruit of Self-Control
Goal Statement: I am doing more on a regular basis that enhances my relationship with God, the church family and the non-Christian world.
A. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with God
1. Personal Devotional Life
______a) I have a regular personal appointment with God that consists of
reading the Word and praying.
2. Bible Study and Application
______a) I am reading the Bible systematically.
______b) I am studying the Bible systematically.
______c) I am able to use tools of Bible study (concordances, notes, etc.)
______d) I am able to explain key principles of Bible interpretation.
______e) I am applying the principles from the Bible to my life.
3. Worship
______a) My appointments with God during the week include
expressions of personal worship.
______b) I look forward to participating in the weekly Lord’s Day assembly.
______c) I consistently arrive early at the weekly morning worship assembly.
______d) The worship I offer to God is from the heart and does not merely
consist of outward acts.
B. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with the Church Family
1. Fellowship
______a) I have or am developing a close relationship with at least one other Christian.
______b) There are at least seven Christians in our church family who I know
personally can am assured that they care for and love me.
______c) I regularly participate in a LIFE Group (LIFE = Love, Involvement,
Fellowship, Evangelism)
2. Service
______a) I am actively involved in at least one ministry of the church.
______b) I have completed a spiritual gifts evaluation tool.
______c) I know my area(s) of spiritual giftedness.
______d) I am serving in my area(s) of giftedness.
______e) I am working to improve my area(s) of giftedness.
C. Behaviors Related to My Relationship with Non-Christians
1. Sharing Christ with Others
______a) I can explain to another person how to become a Christian.
______b) I am able to share a three minute testimony of my walk with God.
______c) I have made a list of people I know whom I would like to see come
to Christ and am including them in my daily prayers.
______d) I have been a key person in leading someone to Christ.
2. Working with New Christians to Develop Their Faith
______a) I am making a special effort to encourage new Christians.
______b) I am working, in a focused manner, with at least one other person
to help them to grow spiritually.
A Simple Outline for Praying
Ever needed help wording your prayers?
In Matthew 6: 5-15, Jesus gave his followers instructions regarding prayer. We traditionally refer to this as "the Lord's Prayer," even though it is more practically the believer's prayer.
Years ago I learned of a simple outline that would help me in wording my prayers to the Lord. I still use this today and teach it to others. It can be remembered as the acronym ACTS. The "A" is for Adoration. The "C" is for Confession. The "T" is for Thanksgiving. And the "S" is for Supplication. A brief explanation of each is given below.
ADORATION - In our prayers we should express our adoration of God. We express our worship of Him. We tell of our respect for Him. We do this by acknowledging his divine attributes - the qualities that define who He is (His power, goodness, holiness, presence, love).
CONFESSION - When we pray, we should confess our sins, our sinfulness and our shortcomings to God. This is a response that comes as we realize we are in the presence of a great God.
THANKSGIVING - When we pray we should give God thanks. Thanksgiving stems from what God does. Our prayers should recount the great acts of God in our lives and in the lives of others.
SUPPLICATION - In our prayers we are to present our requests and the requests of others to God. This one tends to come easily. If you listen to most prayers the majority of the content is usually requests.
Try using this outline as a guide for content in your prayers. I believe you will find your prayers to be richer and deeper.
In Matthew 6: 5-15, Jesus gave his followers instructions regarding prayer. We traditionally refer to this as "the Lord's Prayer," even though it is more practically the believer's prayer.
Years ago I learned of a simple outline that would help me in wording my prayers to the Lord. I still use this today and teach it to others. It can be remembered as the acronym ACTS. The "A" is for Adoration. The "C" is for Confession. The "T" is for Thanksgiving. And the "S" is for Supplication. A brief explanation of each is given below.
ADORATION - In our prayers we should express our adoration of God. We express our worship of Him. We tell of our respect for Him. We do this by acknowledging his divine attributes - the qualities that define who He is (His power, goodness, holiness, presence, love).
CONFESSION - When we pray, we should confess our sins, our sinfulness and our shortcomings to God. This is a response that comes as we realize we are in the presence of a great God.
THANKSGIVING - When we pray we should give God thanks. Thanksgiving stems from what God does. Our prayers should recount the great acts of God in our lives and in the lives of others.
SUPPLICATION - In our prayers we are to present our requests and the requests of others to God. This one tends to come easily. If you listen to most prayers the majority of the content is usually requests.
Try using this outline as a guide for content in your prayers. I believe you will find your prayers to be richer and deeper.